diumenge, 5 de juny del 2016

dimarts, 31 de maig del 2016


 Here's the list of the teams in the order I like most to least.



If you want to see all the episodes again or for first time, click this link:


It's a playlist with all the chapters of eighteen minuts each one.

Surfer Dudes

The team who won were the SURFER DUDES! Congratulations!

BRODY:He's enthusiastic, loyal, noble, fast, strong and always sees the glass as half-full.

GEOFF:He has a very positive attitude and loves people. He is great at motivating people and always takes care of the others.

-They both like partying, surfing and having fun.
-Brody and Geoff are the only two contestants in the franchise to reach the final two after returning from their initial elimination.  
-Brody is Spanish and has a tatoo. 

Police Cadets

The team who won in the alternative ending were the POLICE CADETS! Congratulations!

Sanders and MacArthur
MACARTHUR: She's competitive, agressive and brash by nature. When she wants to get something done, she will complete it whatever the cause may be.

SANDERS:She plays the "good cop" of the duo and she often has to put up with her partner's crazy ideas. She's a competitive and logical person.

-In the academy, people called MacArthur "The Volcano" because of her short temper.

Ice dancers

The sixteenth team who got eliminated were the ICE DANCERS. X-D   I hate them!
JOSEE:She's a Canadian figure skater whose dream was to win gold at the Olympics. She's supersticious, agressive, perfectionist and has claustrofobia.

JACQUES:He's not as bad as Josee. He always smile and he likes to explore new pursuits aside from ice skating.

-They cheat, sabotage, and even betray other teams to come in first place.
-They have come in first place more times than any other team, having done so eight times.
-Josee's lucky rabbit's foot is from an actual pet rabbit that she had.

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2016


The fifteenth team who got eliminated were the SISTERS.

EMMA:She is the opposite to her sister. She's competitive and distrustful. She falls in love with Noah.

KITTY: She gets along easily with the other teams. She always carries her phone with her and often takes selfies in dire situations.
-They're Asian.
-Emma wants to become a lawyer.

Best friends

The fourteenth team who got eliminated were the BEST FRIENDS.
Carrie and Devin

CARRIE: She's a litte shy, loyal and has the purest of hearts and the greatest of intentions. She had always secretly been in love with her partner.

DEVIN: After discovering that his girlfriend Shelley had dumped him, Devin became heart broken and begin to lose his mind. Then he falls in love with Carrie and cofesses his love to her in the episode 14.

-Carrie is the only female to have more than one male attracted to her, with both Junior and later Devin falling in love with her.
-They're the only team to get eliminated for Devin injuries caused by Kitty.


The thirteenth team who got eliminated were the HATERS/DATERS.

RYAN:He's a part-time college student and part-time fitness model. He's a very kind and good person.
STEPHANIE: She is a part-time college student and part-time fitness model. She's very competitive and arrogant.

-They are the members of the only team to receive a team name change from The Daters to The Haters. Later back to The Daters.
-They spent the major part of the competition arguing. 


The twelfth team who got eliminated were the GOTHS.

Ennui and Crimson
ENNUI: He's dark and has the emotional range of a stone gargoyle.

CRIMSON: She's also dark. Despite scaring many other competitors, Crimson is actually sometimes nice, and gives advice to those who need it.

-It is unclear as to why he and his girlfriend Crimson are participating in the show, or if they're even enjoying the experience.
-Neither of them have seen the other without their goth make-up.
-They're the only team who adopted a pet (a cute rabbit called Loki).

diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016

Reality TV Pros

The eleventh team who got eliminated were the REALITY TV PROS.

Noah and Owen

NOAH: Noah is sarcastic, very intelligent and lazy. He falls in love with Emma and then his personality changes to a lovestruck boy.

OWEN:He's huggable, upbeat, fun-loving and friendly. He's basically in this show to have fun, not for the grand prize. His three biggest loves are eating, having a good time and passing a large amount of gas.

-Noah and Owen have competed in other seasons of this reality TV.
-Noah is Indian.
-They were the first team to receive a penalty.

Father & Son

The tenth team who got eliminated were FATHER & SON. They were my favourite ones!:-(

DWAYNE: He's confused but it makes him funny. Dwayne cares for his son more than anything else and will go to any length to ensure Junior's safety and happiness. 

JUNIOR:He loves his father, but is getting to an age where he's starting to think of him as embarrassing. He''s cool and he likes listening to music.

-Dwayne is the only character who began the race as a man and finished as a woman. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch the episode 16. It's very funny!
-Junior is 13 and his birthday is on the 28th of October.


The nineth team who got eliminated were the ROCKERS.

SPUD: He's a kind friend but his brain power is very slow. He reacts to fear, pain, panic and excitement five minuts later!

ROCK: He'soutgoing, enthusiastic, and has a habit of making sound effects while he talks. He often has to provide direction and leadership for his partner.

-The two are in a garage band called "Devil Frog" together and still haven't moved out of their parents' basements.


The eight team who got eliminated were the STEPBROTHERS.

LORENZO: He's always complaining about almost everything and he does all he can to humilliate his brother.

CHET: He's normally quite lazy, but if there's an opportunity to show up Lorenzo, he suddenly becomes very motivated. Chet and Lorenzo spent most part of the competition fighting and hitting each other.

-Lorenzo and Chet finally settled their differences, became good friends and accepted each other as stepbrothers and family.  
-Lorenzo is Italian. 
-Chet is an expert at rhythmic gymnastics.

Adversity twins

The seventh team who got eliminated were the ADVERSITY TWINS.

JAY: He and his identical twin have got lots of allergies, phobias, accidents, disorders and ailments.

MICKEY: He's very coward althought he never gives up early. He got cut from the competition with his face full of grains.

-They arrived on last place four times.
-They're called the Adversity Twins because they have had to fight against adversities since they were born.


The sixth team who got eliminated were the MOTHER&DAUGHTER.

Taylor and Kelly
KELLY: She is a rich woman focused on looking young and being a cool mom. She's extremely patient with her daughter until  the episode they're cut from the competition.

TAYLOR: Taylor is an ungrateful and rude daughter who often doesn't respect her mother. When she was younger, she won lots of trophies and medals in competitions, but in fact her father had bribbed the judges.

I haven't found any curiositie about them.

Fashion bloggers

The fifth team who got eliminated were the FASHION BLOGGERS.

JEN:She is a sweet fashionista who is sure that her fabulous taste and trending skills will make her team win. She often falls victim to the allure of spontaneous shopping sprees.

TOM: He's confident and tries hard, but doesn't have many skills beyond understanding fashion. He and his partner plan to go far in the competition, while teaching the other contestants a little something about competing with style.

-Originally, Tom and Jen were supposed to be assistant producers.


The fourth team who got eliminated were the VEGANS.

LAURIE: is a nature-loving vegan with an "Earth first" attitude and pure intentions. She is a serene person but she can get angry in many situations.

MILES: She believes that peace and knowledge are the most important things. She adores animals and plants and always protects them.

-It has been confirmed by Fresh TV that Laurie is biracial

dissabte, 28 de maig del 2016


The third team who got eliminated were the GENIUSES.

Mary and Ellody
ELLODY: Ellody is a very clever girl who prefers studying instead of popularity or boyfriends. She never gives up and she is very perfectionist, too.

MARY: She is also brilliant and perfectionist. She likes science and scrap-booking. She can change her intelligent attitude depending on the situation.

-Ellody is one of the two competors who come from India. The other one is Noah.

Tennis Rivals

The second team who got eliminated were the TENNIS RIVALS.

GERRY: Gerry and Pete were tennis rivals until they decided to compete together in this reality show. He's always joking and laughing.

PETE: He has the same personality as Gerry. He never takes things seriously.

-Being in their sixties, they're the oldest competing contestant.


In the following slides I'm going to show you the teams, the description of each character and some curiosities. I'll order them by elimination order, from earliest to latest. The first team who got eliminated were the LARPERS.

LEONARD: He dresses like a wizard and believes he has magic powers. He is very passionate about his wizardry and persists on his spells no matter how ineffective they seem.

TAMMY:Just like Leonard, she believes she can perform real magic.

-Leonard is the only character who compited in Pahkitew Island. He's also one of the four veterans.



Hello Ridonculous Race lovers!
In this blog you will be able to find out all the information related to this TV show. Teams, elimination order, etc. If you haven't seen all the episodes yet, you can be spoiled, so it's up to you to continue reading this amazing blog.